The Email Phishing Solution
Domain Applications and Resellers License
Protect your email domains and those you resell with PhishFlagger™ Domain Applications and Reseller licensing. Safeguard all of your domains with PhishFlagger™ email numbering to help enhance security and prevent impersonation, phishing and other email-based fraud.
Obtain PhishFlagger™ Domain Applications and Reseller licensing to help protect in-house email domains and email domains that you resell to clients from email phishing and fraud.

PhishFlagger™ Domain Protection
Another Phishing protection protocol.
Flag or quarantine out of sequence email.
Number outgoing email automatically.
Resellers earn additional revenue.
Domain Applications and Reseller licensing can help secure your email domains and all incoming and outgoing email communications:
PhishFlagger™ email numbering in email domains helps prevent others from impersonating you, your organization, and your brand
Designed for organizations of all sizes with email domains, and for resellers
Tame email security at all levels and help prevent impersonation, phishing and other email-based fraud
You will receive a copy of the PhishFlagger™ Compliance Guide
Get all the resources required to understand and implement email numbering for safety and fraud prevention
Learn how to insert PhishCounter™ sequential email numbering into outgoing emails
Learn how to flag suspicious emails as potential phishing and email fraud attempts
Book a meeting with a member of our team to explore your opportunities
Consider downloading the Corporate Security Officer Information Package
Our complete cybersecurity information package includes a valuable, low-cost bundle of information, resources, and opportunities for corporate security officers responsible for email safety and security. This package is a must-read resource for security and risk leaders looking to protect email and mission-critical systems.